UNIT 4: Poem




Why? Poem Introduction


‘Why?’ is a poem about a boy who is curious about everything happening around him.


Why? Poem Summary



Why? Is a poem about a curious little boy who is eager to learn about why everything is happening around him the way it is. He has many questions ranging from why wood floats and marble does not to why we eat and drink and flowers die. He wants to know why the world works like this. The questions he asks are mostly easy to answer but some of them do not have any explanation yet.

This poem teaches us to think and question everything around us. Because this is the only way we will learn about our world.





Why?  Poem Explanation


I know a curious little boy,

Who is always asking “Why?”

Why this, why that, why then, why now?

Why not, why by-the-by?


  • Curious: Eager to learn

This stanza talks about a boy who is very curious about everything and always asks “why?”.  He wants to know why everything happens the way it does and why something does not happen.



He wants to know why wood should swim,

Why lead and marble sink,

Why sun should shine and wind should blow

And why we eat and drink.

  • Lead: A type of metal
  • Marble: A type of rock
  • Sink: drown


The boy wants to know why wood floats in water but lead and marble sinks in water. He is curious why only the sun shines but wind blows. The boy also wants to know why we need to eat and drink.









He wants to know what makes the clouds

And why they cross the sky,

Why sinks the sun behind the hills

And why the flowers die.


The boy wants to know what are clouds made of and why they are in the sky. He wants to understand why the sun sets behind the hills and why do the flowers die.


Some of these why’s are not too hard

To answer if you’ll try;

Others no one ever yet

Has found the reason why.


  • Reason: Cause/explanation


This stanza tells us that some of the questions that the boy has are not very hard to answer if you try to think about them but no one has found the explanation yet for many of his other questions.