UNIT 8: Story

Going to Buy a Book

By Rukmini Banerji



Going to Buy a Book Story Introduction


‘Going to Buy a Book’ is a story written by Rukmini Banerji. This story is about a brother and sister who go to buy a book with the money their grandfather gave them.



Going to Buy a Book Story Summary


‘Going to Buy a Book’ is a story written by Rukmini Banerji. This story is about a brother and sister who go to buy a book with the money their grandfather gave them. They get very excited to buy books but cannot decide things like from where to buy and which books to buy. Finally they go to a small store with a helpful owner. They read silently for hours and decide the type of books they want. After buying they run back to their grandfather and happily keep on reading the books.


Going to Buy a Book Story Explanation


One day a little girl and her brother got money from their grandfather to buy books. They were really excited and started planning about when they should go to buy the books. After discussing they decided to go at that very moment.

They also started to think from which shop they should buy the books. And should they go alone or with someone. Finally, the two decide to go alone to the small shop as it has many books and the owner is really nice and helpful.


They also could not decide if they wanted a book with pictures or stories or a thin book. The owner helped them and showed them different books about animals and machines. He told them to take anything they liked.

The girl and her brother each chose a book and started reading. The boy sat on a chair and the girl on the floor and they kept on reading.

They read for many hours in the quiet and they finally knew which books to buy. The girl bought a fat book with many stories while her brother got a book with pictures.


They ran back home to their grandfather and climbed onto his bed. He put his arm around them and again they kept on reading.