UNIT 6: Poem


By H. W. Longfellow




Hiawatha Poem Introduction


‘Hiawatha’ is a poem written by H. W. Longfellow. It is a poem about a young Native American boy called Hiawatha. He lived with his old grandmother, Nokomis. His grandmother taught him about the wonders of nature. He learned all about the stars, the trees, the insects, the birds and the animals. Hiawatha could talk to the birds and the animals, and loved them all dearly.





Hiawatha Poem Summary


Hiawatha is a poem about a little Native American boy who lived with his grandmother and learned about everything around him. He had learned the languages, names and secrets of all birds and animals. He knew all about how the birds make their nests and how the beavers make their lodges. He knew secrets of squirrels, reindeers and rabbits too. Hiawatha would talk them whenever he met them. He called the birds by the name ‘Hiawatha’s chickens’ and animals by the name ‘Hiawatha’s Brothers’.






Hiawatha Poem Explanation


“Then the little Hiawatha

Learned of every bird its language,

Learned their names and all their secrets,

How they built their nests in Summer,

Where they hid themselves in Winter,

Talked with them whene’er he met them,

Called them ‘Hiawatha’s chickens.’      


The poet tell us about a little boy Hiawatha who learned about every bird’s name and their languages. He knew all their secrets about how they make their nests during summer season and where they go and hide during the cold winters. Whenever he met the birds, Hiawatha would talk to them. He called them by the name ‘Hiawatha’s chickens.’



Of all beasts he learned the language,

Learned their names and all their secrets,

How the beavers built their lodges,

Where the squirrels hid their acorns,

How the reindeer ran so swiftly,

Why the rabbit was so timid,

Talked with them whene’er he met them,

Called them ‘Hiawatha’s Brothers’.


In this stanza the poet says that Hiawatha learned the languages, names and secrets of all animals as well. He knew how the beavers made their lodges and the place where squirrels hid their acorn. Hiawatha learned how the reindeer could run so fast ad why the rabbit was so scared. The little boy Hiawatha would talk to all these animals whenever he met them. He called the by the name ‘Hiawatha’s Brothers’.