UNIT 3: Poem


By Mary Daunt


Run!  Poem Introduction


‘Run!’ is a poem written by Mary Daunt. This poem is a message for the children to run and enjoy themselves in the nature.


Run!  Poem Summary


The poem ‘Run!’ written by Mary Daunt urges the children to go for a run and remain active and healthy. It describes the places where children can run and enjoy nature such as hillside and meadows in the countryside away from the busy cities. The poet tells them to run even when the weather is sunny, rainy or windy.

This poem is a clear message that the key to happiness is by being active and remaining close to nature, thus the children must run and enjoy themselves.



Run!  Poem Explanation


AWAY from the city

And into the sun,

Out to the country,

Run! Run! Run!


The poet is urging the children to run away from the busy cities towards the country side where the sun shines brightly.

Run in the raindrops!

Run ’neath the trees!

Run little races

With each little breeze!

  • ’neath: Beneath/under
  • Breeze: A light gentle wind


In these lines, the poet is telling the children to run in the rain and under the trees. Also to run races with gentle winds or breeze.


Run down the hillside,

Run up the lane;

Run through the meadow,

Then run back again!



  • Meadow: Grassland


In these lines the poet tells the children to run down from the hillside and upwards to the lane or path, to run through the beautiful grasslands and back again to the starting point.


Run and be merry

All through the day!

Run to the country,

Away! Away!


  • Merry: Cheerful/Happy


The poet is urging the children to run all day long in the country side and keep their excitement up by enjoying the lovely nature. According to the poet this is what will make the children happy.