UNIT 2: Story

The Little Fir Tree



The Little Fir Tree Story Introduction


                                          ‘The Little Fir Tree’ is a story about a little tree which is not happy with its needle like leaves and wishes to be like others. But at last learns to love itself the way it is. 


 The Little Fir Tree Story Summary

 This is a story about a little fir tree which was granted four wishes by a magician named Shetty. The tree was not happy with its needle like leaves, so it wished for green leaves like its other tree friends, this did not end well as the goat started eating the leaves. The tree then wished for golden leaves, but men came and stole from it. Saddened, the tree then wished for glass leaved but they broke due to the wind at night. The tree was sad and finally understood the importance of its needle like leaves and wished for them back. This made the tree happier than ever.

        This story teaches us a valuable lesson of not comparing ourselves with others and loving ourselves with what we have.







The little Fir Tree Story Explanation


A magician named Shetty was returning home, when suddenly it began to rain heavily. He ran towards a pretty little fir tree as fast as he could for shelter.


The rain stopped and Shetty was happy that he did not get wet.


Shetty thanked the fir tree for being kind and protecting him from the rain. He wanted to reward the tree and told the tree to ask for four wishes.


The fir tree was sad because no birds ever made their nests on it as it had leaves like needles. So it wished to have green leaves like its other tree friends.


Its wish was granted the next morning but a goat came along and ate all the green leaves. The fir tree was sad and wished it had gold leaves as goats do not eat gold leaves.

The next morning, the little fir tree was surprised and happy to see gold leaves. But two men came along and stole the gold leaves.


The tree then wished for had glass leaves instead so that the men would not steal them. The next day its glass leaves shone in the bright sun and the tree was happy.


At night when the wind blew all the glass leaves broke. And the tree was really unhappy.


The little fir tree then realized that its old needle-like leaves were the best, for goats did not eat them, no man stole them and the wind never broke them.


The tree went to sleep and when it woke up the next morning, it had all its needle leaves back again.

The little fir tree had never been happier.