Descriptive Adjectives


The happy twins wait for their loving grandparents.

She gave gorgeous   yellow roses to her mother.


Fox is a clever wild animal.

Descriptive adjectives tell us about the colour, shape, size, age and condition of a noun.


Quantitative Adjectives

Quantitative Adjectives describes the quantity of something.

These words answer the question “how much?” or “how many?”  Numbers like one and thirty are this type of adjective. So are more general words like many, half and a lot.


I drank half of my mango drink.

I ate some roasted chicken.

He has many cherries in his large pocket.

Linda ate a whole burger

The laundry bag is full of clothes to be washed.

Possessive Adjectives

Possessive adjectives show possession. They describe to whom a thing belongs. Some of the most  common possessive adjectives include :

Possessive Adjectives

Examples :

(a)  I have a book      ----      My book is red

(b) You have a book  ----    Your book is red

(c) She has a book    ----       Her book is red

(d) He has a book      ----         His book is red

Demonstrative Adjectives

A demonstrative adjective describes “which” noun or pronoun you are referring to.These adjectives include the words:

This       ----  Used to refer to a singular noun close to you.

That      ----  Used to refer to a singular noun far from you.

These    ----  Used to refer to a plural noun close to you.

Those    ----  Used to refer to a plural noun far from you.

Demonstrative adjectives always come before the word they are modifying.

Demonstrative Adjective  describes a noun.

This chair is broken.

That car is expensive.                                            

These clothes are wet.

Those birds are flying south.