Present  Perfect Continuous Tense

Subject + has/have + been + 1st form of verb + ing + object.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense is used:

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense is used to  describe an action that began in the past, is still continuing and may extend into the Future.
1. For an action which began at some time in the past and is still continuing -


  • He has been sleeping since five thirty in the evening.

  • They have been building the house since January.

  • They have been playing cricket since morning.

2. ‘Since’ is used when the ‘point of time’ is given and from that point of time the action starts:


  • Abhay has been reading a novel since morning/since 9 o’clock in the morning.

  • Ms Aditi has been teaching History since 2003.

  • She has been practising her maiden speech since Wednesday.

  • Guru and Pranay have been travelling since last month.